Written by Geomancy.Net. Posted in A Consultation Example.

Scope of Work

Scope of Work

Our Complete 16 Step Worry-Free Audit

Walk Thru of a typical personalised Feng Shui Consultation session conducted by Cecil Lee during the 2nd Visit

  1. He will let you know each of the family member's Ba Zi:-
  2. What is each person's Feng Shui Birth Element
He will reveal to you all the binding element combinations for improving the relationship between the various family (i.e. between Father & Mother; Mother with Son & Son with Father etc...) He will let know how suitable the house is to the breadwinner(s). He will go with you through a detailed Room-by-Room walk-thru with you letting you know (Applying Shapes & Form and Compass School techniques including 20 Year and yearly Flying Star analysis):- He will give you an overview of the various external environment analysis of what are the problem area (ie sha qi) and what you should do He will give you an assessment of how much wealth your house (in relation to the surrounding estate) that it can or cannot actually retain He will let you know which areas you should avoid making renovations for that year. He will provide you with advice and recommendations based on your inputs of proposed your desired Interior Design layouts. He will provide advice on better placement of stove, altars and other items He will provide you with the various auspicious dates for moving into a house He will provide you with information on what to do during the actual house move-in He will provide you with a Career Analysis so that you have a better appreciation of the type of job i.e. existing job or future job prospect based on a Feng Shui perspective. You will be given ample opportunity throughout each step of the briefing to clarify any issues or concerns that you may have during this detailed consultation session until you are 100% satisfied with the walk thru. Finally, you will be given a copy of each of the various detailed printed analysis reports for your reference and further readings. At the end of the consultation session, you will have had an in-depth understanding about yourself; your family members; your house and its environment; and have also a deep understanding on how to improve your overall luck and harmony.

What you will can expect after the consultation is completed?

Time Frame for the Full Analysis?